Revised Diagnostic Essay

Cheerios Commercial and Biracial Families

Discrimination has been an ongoing thing for many years. In the year of 2014 on the super bowl a cheerios aired a commercial, where they presented a black father, white mother and a mixed child. People started making a whole bunch of races comments about the video and because of that the comment bar was taken down from YouTube, but cheerios still promotes the commercial. I feel like society should be able to form a family of any color; because love is what makes a family, but some citizens see it a different way. The population sees it as if African American people are supposed to be with the same ethnic group, and Caucasian people are supposed to be with the same ethnic group. After watching this commercial, the reasons why I think cheerios decided to air this ad are too; advertise diversity, love, and happiness.

I use to watch an American television series called Tia & Tamera and their story relates back to the commercial. There was one episode I watched where Tia & Tamera talked about their childhood and how children use to talk about how their family was a biracial family; the children would come up to the girls, and ask them are you black or white. Tamera talked about how marrying a white man and people called her the white man’s slave; she explains how she didn’t want her child to go through that. Why a biracial child should be titled as either white or black? Why can’t they just be different because different is good and being different comes with a lot of aspects in life.

The commercial shows love, because when the dad illustrated the family with cheerios to his daughter to let her know she was going to have a baby brother; he wanted her to know even if a new baby was going to be around he was going to love her no matter what. My little cousin is a biracial child. He used to call himself a little white boy and our family would always joke around about him being white and his mom would get mad, but no matter what we loved him not because of what color he is, but for who he is as a person. Our family never judged him or brought him down because of the color of his skin. The Cheerios commercial main concept is love because that’s what matters the most in a family.

Happiness is what brings a family together and in the commercial the family shows a lot of happiness. When the little girl brought the cheerios box to her mother, she asked her mother “Is cheerios good for the heart” and her mother told her yes. So, she put the cheerios on her father’s heart, and when he woke up he was smiling. In order to be happy biracial families have to exclude the negativity in life. It’s not about making other people happy, because if you spend a lifetime trying to please others it will tear the family apart. Sometimes, it’s better doing what’s best for the family. There is no rule that says that black people can’t be with white people. People choose who they want to be with based on personality not color.

The cheerios commercial advertisement was advertised well. I think people were just too focused on the fact that the man was black, the woman was white, and the child was mixed, and less focused on what was important. It’s a free country and people are allowed to form families of any color. Biracial families are not defined by color; they are defined by what’s on the inside. Society shouldn’t judge a book by its color.