Intro to Older Piece of Writing

The purpose of this piece was to inform people about how many restaurant industries promote MUDA. MUDA basically means waste. Many restaurants perform a lot of wasteful actions. My attended audience was society. As I was writing this piece I ask myself Why MUDA is not a topic of education? Because many employees that work in restaurant industries don’t know what MUDA is. I didn’t even know what it was until I came to Johnson & Wales. I wonder Why restaurant industries don’t find ways to eliminate MUDA? when writing this piece I learned that MUDA is a technique that doesn’t need to be practiced in the restaurants, I also learned the seven ways to practice eliminating MUDA. The strengths of this piece is the organization and the development of each paragraph. The weakness of this piece is the grammar, punctuation and the structure of the sentence. I don’t have anymore questions about this piece of writing. This assignment affected my understanding of the term voice very well in this writing.