Reflective Essay

My view of writing before I first started the term wasn’t all that good. My view of writing started progressing as throughout the semester. My writing was influence by the writing center at the academic support center. When I took a paper there I would always learned my mistakes from that paper and make sure I didn’t make the same mistake on the next paper. I would have to say that the Music & Self writing was my best work, because I could be personal with it and input my own opinions. I liked the fact that I could be freely with it, but in a formal way. I think my weakest writing probably would have to be the Diagnostic Essay, because it was my first essay and I didn’t know what to write about. My strengths as a writer would be organization, development, critical thinking and style. My weakness as a writer would be grammar, spelling and punctuation. As a writer this term I can trace my development, I think I have came along way with my writing now then I did in the beginning. What I have learned about myself as a writer this term is that I can do anything if I set my mind to it, a lot of the papers I had made me overwhelmed at times; to the point where I just wanted to give up, but I didn’t. Before the term is would define the word audience as the people who are reading the paper. For purpose is would define it as your intended reason for writing the paper (inform, entertain, or to educate) and voice is the person that’s writing, their voices throughout the paper. I define those terms the same as I did in the beginning. This class changed how I viewed the world. I never knew that there was so much aspects to writing and that I needed to know how to write the right way.